
There are two kinds of Factions in Project: Valhalla: Player Factions and NPC Factions. Player Factions allow players to share bonuses unique to factions, as well as facilitate player story and provide hooks for narrative interaction. NPC Factions can provide opportunities for players to earn rewards and maluses alike.

Rules for Player Factions

A Player Faction must have at least three members and no more than 20% of all active players on its roster. Staff reserves the right to adjust this number based on the size and health of the game.

Player Factions earn and lose the Favor as a group. This includes the Anchor NPC and NPC Factions.

Factions must have a discrete table, seat or other designated area within the Great Hall, and sit together during certain times during the Feast. This area may be moved or arranged at Staff’s discretion.

Responsibilities of Faction Leadership

A Faction Representative does not necessarily have to be the IG Faction leader, but will be the primary point of contact for Staff and the Faction and is considered the “owner” of the faction. The Faction Representative must inform Staff of any roster changes, ideally no later than one day prior to the day of game.

As a Faction Representative, you acknowledge the following:

To Create a Faction

All prospective Player Factions must be registered with Staff prior to an event by the would-be Faction Representative.

To Retire or Modify a Faction

Notify Staff if you wish to retire, modify a Player Faction or make a roster adjustment.

Note: Staff reserves the right to remove or adjust Player Faction rosters for the health and benefit of the game. In the event this happens, all of the affected Player Faction members will be notified.

NPC Factions

Like Player Factions, NPC Factions have Faction Representatives. Individual players and player factions alike may earn favor by completing Contracts for them. Favor may be gained (or lost) in other ways, as well. Each of the supercorporations of the Board are considered an NPC Faction.