“Civilized Space” consists of thousands upon thousands of solar systems connected by interstellar and intergalactic Gates.
This page will be updated as players make discoveries.
Known Space consists of countless observable solar systems in the Ea, Eos, Ae and En galaxies, as well as nearby galaxies without Gates.
The name of our local galaxy is Ea, and it is the origin of all sentient species we know of except for humans. Ea encompasses almost all of what we call “Civilized Space”. Eos, Ae and En, our closest galactic neighbors, mostly consist of avarix and yetton colonies located just outside their respective Gates.
This section will be updated as players make discoveries.
Image not to scale!
Star: Etheriet-Sol
Planet: Koacalla
Moon: Loneangalia (Destroyed by the Malestrom)
Planet: Etheriet - Habitable (Destroyed by the Malestrom)
Moons: Furian, Nightglow
Planet: Amonelialia - Habitable
Planet: Nautov Omega
Planet: Nautov Upsilon
Planet: Nautov Beta
Planet: Zengilla
Planetoid: Obelialia
Etheriet-Sol Gate