🔶 Overview

Money makes the galaxy go ‘round, and nobody has more of it than multi-planetary supercorporations. Aboard the Fenris, a coalition of these supercorps form the Board, an erstwhile system of government that answers to their shareholders and the captain.

Note: Supercorporations often have an affinity for one Elemental Court or another, but due to their size they can’t afford to be as exclusive in their hiring practices as smaller corporations.

Supercorp Name Alias Industry Corporate Rival
Daihachi Unlimited Daihachi Construction ColorNet
Nine Lives Logistics 9LL Logistics H/N
Color Networks COLORNeT Magitek Daihachi
Hornet’s Nest H/N Private Military 9LL
ULink Systemique ULS Manufacturing P!Corps
Helix Pharmaceuticals H-Pharm Medical None

Supercorps of the Board

Daihachi Unlimited

Nine Lives Logistics

Color Networks

Hornet’s Nest

ULink Systemique

Helix Pharmaceuticals


Other Supercorporations of Note

🌈 RAIN Corp - (Coming soon)

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